Monday, January 16, 2006

Go Pathers!

File this under, "At least I'm not as pathetic as this guy."
or, "What would make a copy editor drive over a cliff?"

Matt and I were driving on 66 the other day -- as we always seem to be doing -- when we saw "GO PATHERS!" written on the back of a Suburban, in whatever white substance people write stuff on their cars with.

(hm. Perhaps if I'm writing to blast someone on their spelling, I should construct my sentences better. Oh, well. I'll just be perverse that way.)

Matt pointed this out and groaned -- he delights in disturbing me with examples like that one, to see me react. Kind of like pouring salt on a slug, or am I the only one who did that as a mean little kid? -- and I said, "What?" I did not even process the error, it was so egregious. I think I figured, hm, some new high school nickname. Well, they'll have no trouble with the PC police with that one.

Then I realized, oh yeah, there are other NFL games going on besides the Seahawks/Redskins this weekend. (GO SEAHAWKS! Yeah, I don't really care, but I'll jump on the bandwagon; why not?) Hm.
I'm trying really hard not to make a crack at Carolinians here. Oops; does that count?

So maybe I'll paint "GO SEEHOCKS!" on my car this weekend. Hee.

1 comment:

  1. Since Pittsburgh beat Indy maybe next week you could scrawl, "Go Stealers!"
