Wednesday, December 27, 2006


All right. I've been asked to list five things that not many people know about me. This isn't nearly as fun as 'two truths and a lie,' but I'll do my best.
After mulling it over for awhile, I'm a little embarrassed at how boring I am. :) Are there fascinating facts that I've completely forgotten about? Let's hope so.

1) My two front teeth are fake. Well, they're porcelain veneers. The little nubs of original teeth are still back there -- I can't remove the teeth, or anything -- but the parts you can see aren't really my teeth.

2) I was voted most gullible of my high school class as a senior. One classmate (who had far worse grades, I must add) told me that she voted me most gullible because there wasn't a biggest airhead category. Ouch.

3) I actually went to college to be a veterinarian. If I could've inhabited any person's life, it might well be James Herriot. He was a country vet, and lived in the English countryside. And wrote entertaining, funny, touching books. Brilliant. (though that would be weird, because he was a guy, but you get the point.) In reality, I might not have liked the lifestyle at all, but in a romantic, it-couldn't-possibly-happen-anyway sense, that would be a strong contender for me.
I think I knew, though, in the back of my mind that my skills lay elsewhere. It took an almost-fainting spell at the small-animal vet clinic in my hometown the summer after my freshman year to fully convince me that I shouldn't be in a medical field. The traumatic sight? Watching a dog's sixth toes removed. My handwriting is bad enough to be a doc of some kind, though. No doubt about that.

4) I was on the Welsh national basketball team for a (school) year. As much of one as there was, anyway. The embarrassing thing about that is that I wasn't one of the starting five; that would've been five English girls. Who didn't grow up playing basketball, as I had. Ouch again.

5) I had my first kiss at age 22. TWENTY-TWO. And it was awful. I didn't really like the guy; I just figured, hey. I might not get another chance. Painful, but true.

So -- I'm supposed to tag some other folks. How about Erin, Julie, Tara and Jay? Let's have five things we might not know, folks.


  1. Hey Kate,

    I wasn't sure if you meant it to be left on the comments section, but I followed your example and put it up on my own blog.
