Monday, December 04, 2006

Deck the home

We had our second annual Family Tree-Trimming Party this Saturday. We drove about six blocks to the local K-Mart parking lot where we picked out our tree by streetlight -- we meant to make it there before dark, but c'mon! That's, like, pre-4:30 these days. THAT wasn't happening. We managed to keep Lizzy and her friend, Rachel, from dashing to their deaths on the highway that ran scarily close to where the trees were sold. Nor did they snag their little shoes on the twine that lay all over the ground, trip and fall and knock out their front teeth. (Hi, Chris! Yes, your daughter was with responsible people that evening. Seriously.) Nor did they spill their Starbucks (tm) milk all over our back seat, for which I was grateful.
So we decorated with great gusto -- it took Lizzy approximately six seconds to break the Hallmark ornament I had to special-order her by mail (you saw it -- the Dumbo one). I wasn't very pleased. Matt had to remind me to channel some holiday cheer.
Lizzy was very enthusiastic -- VERY enthusiastic -- about the ornament-hanging. We had to step in and help rather quickly. Otherwise, there would've been a well-hung (so to speak) midsection of tree, and bare top. Woo HOO! Pretty racy for the Christmas season. (Yes, it's getting late and I'm tired.) (Yes, for me, 9:45 is late these days.)
Without further ado, some photos. I didn't take any of the actual unloading of the tree from the car, because we took those last year. Matt "joked" that if I hadn't done anything (scrapbooky) with the photos I took the year before, I wasn't allowed to take any more the following year. Hardy HAR-har. Easy for him to say.
And, sorry about the red-eye. We don't have photoshop at home. Maybe I do have a way to fix it. I really can't remember at the moment, though. But you get the point.

... aaand, once AGAIN, despite Blogger's repeated claims that it is uploading photos, it is not, in fact, displaying them. So, instead of six or eight, it will allow me two. Oh, wait -- three. I slipped another one past it. Woo!
I'm in a rather grumpy mood right now; can you tell?

Better luck to me next time, I guess.

For the record -- the Jean-Luc Picard ornament at the bottom of the second photo WAS A GIFT. I managed to restrain myself from purchasing this year's killer Star Trek Hallmark ornament. With great willpower.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 AM EST

    Wow, that lovely girl of yours just keeps getting bigger and bigger. How do they DO that?
