Wednesday, December 06, 2006

smug -n- sassy

A conversation from this morning's car ride:

LIZZY: Guess whose birthday it was yesterday!

ME: I know!

LIZZY (distressed): NO! I asked DADDY!

ME: Oh. (nudges Matt, who's driving to allow me to finish my crappy Crichton novel for once and all)

MATT: Uh ... Henry? Shefali? Katherine? Christopher? (flounders for more names)

LIZZY (impatiently): No! ... You're not very smart, Dad.

MATT: (silently steams a little. suddenly concentrates very hard on traffic.)

ME: Lizzy, why do you say that? Your daddy's a very smart man.

LIZZY: Well, maybe so. Sort of. But he's not as smart as me.

(By the way, it was Jack's birthday. In case you were curious.)


  1. Okay, I didn't make this for no reason at all, sheesh.

  2. Oops, Schuyler! My bad!
    Aha. Back to the mini-ukulele, are you? Or have you been. Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't remember what I thought you were instead.

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM EST

    ha ha! Once, as a child, I told my mother she was ignorant because she was taking a long time to explain why the sky was blue or some such. I made her cry and had to spend the afternoon in my room. But I had just learned the word and was testing it out!

  4. So you're saying, ignorance isn't bliss, then? :)
    I think what gets me is that I EXPECT some of this -- I expect that my daughter will think she knows it all at age, I don't know, 8? 13? 20? But FOUR? Come on! Give a mother a break, will ya. She won't even let me do her hair, most of the time. Never has.
    We've gotta try for a more, uh, docile child.
