Tuesday, October 25, 2005

question of faith

I'm just full o' the bloggin' today, aren't I!
(yeah, I hear you -- "full of something, anyway." HAR.)

Matt and I were driving along the other day. He loves to come out of nowhere with these questions.

"So, if Adam and Eve were the first people... And they had kids..." Yep, I know where this one's going.

"There were other tribes of people."
"But, from where?"
"I don't really know. The Bible doesn't say."
"So ... you've been a Christian for 34 years." (well, not exactly. But, okay.) "And you've never thought about this?" (yes, I have.) But, it doesn't BOTHER you not to have an answer?"
and, the zinger -- "See, if Christians had answers to these questions, I could take it all seriously. This -- this is why I'm not a Christian."

I pointed out that there's a large faith element to being a Christian. God doesn't guarantee us all the answers.
But the truth is, I don't much care. Oh, I care deeply about what Matt thinks, and about trying to get him his answers. And, before you offer your C.S. Lewis books, he's received at least three copies already. He's not a reader. (not looking TOO hard for these answers, you see. Apparently it's up to me to read the books and pass along the wisdom.) But I don't really care if I have unanswered questions. I don't need to know everything. I'm not sure if that's a mental weakness, or a spiritual strength. Or just laziness on my part?

I've been rolling this around my head the past couple days. I have some silly, rather cliched arguments, but nothing great. Anyone learn anything cool in seminary that they'd like to pass along?

1 comment:

  1. If one were a 7-day creationist, they might say, "a pure gene pool means that the second geretion could intermarry w/o any genetic problems."
    If one were a day-age theorist/evolutionist/some kind of hybrid, they might say that there were a lot of people around who would be available for procreation.
    But if it were me, I'd tell Matt to quit posing questions which he knows don't really matter. I mean, does he really care about that stuff? Does anyone?
    He's already more of a Jesus-person than most of the people who try to answer questions like that.
