Monday, October 03, 2005

What a mother-in-law is good for

No, seriously!
Lizzy's day care is having its, oh, fifth or sixth fundraiser of the year. But this one purports to be the biggie -- selling Claire's Gourmet goodies. And, no, I won't be hitting anyone up to buy any... I have nothing but respect for those with the entrepreneurial spirit, but I have zip. zilch. zero. of it myself. I think it's that I just don't want to bother people. I don't want to mine my friendships for extra cash for the day care, which gets plenty of my cash already. (though, if your child or organization is selling something -- don't be afraid to ask me if I want any! Just want to make that clear.)
However, part of me feels somewhat responsible to pull my end of the rope. After all, my child gets to reap the benefits of the brightly colored throw rugs or new playground equipment or whatever is deemed dire this year. So, to bail me out -- here's to the (virtual) mother-in-law, who has taken the Claire's Gourmet packet over to her office and is shopping it around like crazy. Hooray! A tip of the metaphorical hat to you, Connie. Thanks. (not that I will ever, EVER let her get wind of this site. Heh heh.)

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