Monday, October 31, 2005

watch your language

This weekend, I called my dad while Lizzy and I were home alone. She saw me pick up the phone, and said, "I'm going to call Hello Kitty!" She picked up her little toy hello kitty phone and proceeded to repeat everything I said, about a second later, into her toy phone. I'm sure Hello Kitty was confused. Either that, or she was asking the same questions as my dad. It was rather jarring -- like that echo you get sometimes from a bad connection. And, of course, ridiculously cute at the same time.
A little later, we were in the car, with Matt, and Matt was trying (a conversation always involves effort if Lizzy's around) to tell me a story. I've gotten on his case before about how he talks. Which is unfair, but hey -- I'm a copy editor. It's hard sometimes not to try to edit the person you talk to the most. Specifically, he is guilty of the "so he's, like, "Blah blah," and she's like, "Blah blah." Which drives me insane after the fiftieth time, mostly because I will totally pick it up if I hear it all the time. And, well, it's irritating. After he said that a few times, we hear a little voice in the back seat pipe up, "And she's, like, ..." Matt and I turned to each other -- me with a horrified expression, he with a slightly guilty, somewhat alarmed look. oh NO. She can't have the disease, too!

*editor's note -- please don't feel that YOU, gentle reader, have to 'edit yourself' when you talk to me. I want it pointed out that I was NOT one of the people who e-mailed copy editing mistakes they'd caught on the church's Web site... Not that that's a bad thing... I'm just conscious of not coming across as the 'annoyingly anal one.' Even if that is probably in fact exactly what I am. And if we're all anal together, well, good for us! I won't feel as weird.*

We had a reasonably good time at Boo at the Zoo. Probably not a $20 a head great time, though -- perhaps that's one of those things you can do once or twice and call it good. Though, since the money goes to the zoo, and I'm a big fan of the zoo, I can feel a bit better about that part.
Lizzy was adorable, of course! my Evil Queen costume was a big hit, too. Especially at the Whole Foods stand, where they were giving away nice JUICY RED APPLES... Heh heh.
We'll venture out again tonight. I hope it's warmer. And I hope we see a bit of witchery and bionicleness about at some point!
Happy Halloween, y'all.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM EST

    Pics, please!

  2. Darnit. We had an extra long weekend -- or so it felt -- and I meant to figure out how to wire my camera to the home computer to download them, but *blush, blush* I didn't. I know. I'm lame.
    Technology -- bah!
    I'll see what I can do tonight.

  3. Well ... it's not so annoying when one is speaking, altho, I do still find myself catching it. But when people use it in their writing too, it's really out, like, out of control! ;-)

    Good to see little Miss Cinders last night and her mom & dad too!! Thanks for making the trip across town.
