Tuesday, August 30, 2005

your thoughts, please

I've got a question for y'all: What are your thoughts on 'telling stories on' people if they're freaking hilarious, but not very kind? I'm thinking more here of the folks that the people you're telling the stories to don't know, and probably won't ever know. I find a real inner tug-of-war when it comes to the humor inherent in the everyday, but which would definitely come across as cruel to the star of the tale, were it to reach him/her.
I guess the reason I'm asking, really, though it's just a good question, is in relation to this blog. I'm still somewhat pondering what blogs are for, what mine should be all about, etc. The folks who read this one are pretty much positive people who, even when poking fun at something, seem to do so in a kind manner (or at least pick victims who are public figures or something, and I don't much care what public figures think).
Comments welcome.


  1. Hmm, maybe you should tell us a story and then we'll tell you if it's mean.

  2. Oooooohhh... Slippery slope there.
    Poking fun at someone because they, for instance, aren't sure if they will keep a much-needed hearing aid, but are lusting after arm liposuction. Or the fact that they bought roller skates to try to catch the last rush-hour metro train to make it to work "on time," but then strained their shoulder carrying the skates and had to miss a day of work as a result. That sort of thing.
    I think I've decided, after some reflection, that it's mean if it's someone I feel God's put in my life to try to edify. That it doesn't really square with somewhat publicly mocking them. But oooooooh, some material begs for mockery.
