Wednesday, August 03, 2005

our life, a sitcom

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to spend a few hours in posh luxury at the Willard. While my significant other stayed home and babysat our child, and cleaned raw sewage off our basement walls.
Well, okay, in fairness, first, I went to church, where we were 'worshiping by serving' -- cleaning up the coffee house where we meet. Which was fine. It feels good to serve. Even if it means I get all sweaty before my posh event. I'm just lucky to be able to do both, I reason.
Maybe this is some subtle comment from God on the fact that M. should come to church with me. This makes twice, now, that I've gone to church without him, and all plumbing breaks loose while I'm away. Hm... Thankfully, God has a sense of humor but also provides, in the form of a plumber who always seems to be on call (and possibly on crack -- this has yet to be verified, but I assure you is a distinct possibility) and seems to charge at a reasonable rate. This time around, weird stuff (but not sewage, that we could tell) kept bubbling up in the unfinished part of the basement. We had narrowed it to the kitchen sink/dishwasher use, so we thought. Turns out, the problem was a blocked main line leading to the street. Whoops! So R., our plumber, puts his 75-foot snake to work. M. helps him. Suddenly, so I'm told, raw sewage is spraying everywhere. Later, when M. is relaying this story to me, I am picturing one of those hilarious contrast montages wherein someone is basking in utter relaxation and pleasure (me, whiling away time between events, in an overstuffed chair at Starbucks with some easy reading at hand), while M. and R. are dealing with reverse peristalsis of our main pipe. I can even hear the different musical tracks that would be playing at you flash from scene to scene. Heh.
The party -- a baby shower -- was pretty fun. It's kinda cool to pretend to be cultured now and then. And rub elbows with women of all ages, doing the same. And eating scones with jam and clotted cream and drinking frou-frou tea! But the best feeling I had all day was when I got home, heard all that M. had gone through for our family's sake (AND, he paid the plumber -- did I mention that part?), and thought about how much he loves me, and I him.

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