Wednesday, August 31, 2005


It's my birthday. Which means very little, after celebration No. 21, if you ask me. Still, it's a nice annual milestone of reflection -- one that's mine and mine alone (except for the other 6 million or so folks with the same bday).
It's the simple things, really, on one's birthday, that are the coolest. The cards from my family -- actual physical MAIL, in my MAILBOX, that didn't originate from Wilmington, Delaware! -- the phone call I'll get from my parents and brother tonight. The annual, "How can I possibly have a child who is that old!" from my father. The first time my daughter will be able to sing me happy birthday. If she's in the mood, which is never guaranteed.
I had an urge this morning to look up Psalm 139. I highly recommend it for an early-morning birthday read. Feels a lot like a birthday card from God.
And I really don't have to look any farther than New Orleans to see how lucky I am, and how well I have it, today. Well, I don't have to look that far, even. But it's a pretty dramatic example.
I'm just feeling fortunate today in general. Thanks, everyone, for being my family and friends. *bursts into tears, and annoying Barney song*
Not that the family members can help it. But they do admit it, which is all one can ask.


  1. Happy birthday! I'm the first happy birthday comment, yay. I applaud you for being so generous on your birthday. I usually get a little weird and self-pitying.

  2. Shoot - I was almost the first but then the baby woke up and I had to nurse him before I could comment... Anyway, Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one.

  3. I know what you mean. I have to work to resist that. I'm all, "Hey! It's my day, darnit! Why isn't everyone treating me like the Totally Special Person that I am today?" Then all of the friends whose birthdays I a) don't know, or b) know but don't acknowledge, come to mind, and I feel a bit chastened.
    But I also refuse to be one of those people who won't admit that it's their birthday, or how old they are. I don't want to get to the point where I'm ashamed of my age. I might not want to LOOK it someday, but I don't want to dislike it.

  4. Thanks, guys! (Deanna's comment popped in before I finished my post.)
    It's like a live conversation! Very fun.

  5. Happy Birthday!! We celebrated with a young friend (11) today ... but now I raise a glass to you too!! I hope you had a good day and have a wonderful year. Many blessings upon you ...

  6. Happy birthday, Kate (a day late).

    Much, much love to you.

  7. What the hell are you doing in LA Ross? Didn't you just get back Tuesday? When will we see you again?
