Friday, August 05, 2005

by the numbers

20 kids (give or take).
one petting zoo.
95 degrees (or so).
Equals one mama who, for once, is OVERJOYED to get back to her air-conditioned office!
Er, not that I didn't have a blast with my child, and the other 19...
But seriously, we had a pretty good time at the Reston Zoo. Such as it is. It's cool for the six-and-under set, and fairly ideal for a day care-type getaway. Small, contained. Just too HOT.
Reminds me, in a small way, of other field trips, vacations, etc. Other looked-forward-to events. And how much WORK they actually are! Isn't that funny? In a sense, more work than the everyday grind. And yet, I'd venture to guess that most of them are bathed in a golden glow in my memory later on. Looking back, I probably won't remember the humidity that felt like my strength was being sucked out through a straw; I'll remember that, for some reason, Lizzy didn't want to feed the animals. But she DID want to watch me feed the animals. Which I find hilarious, because isn't it supposed to be the other way 'round? She so wants to grow up that I think she wants to mother ME sometimes. And I might remember all the posh, oh-so-healthy meals the other parents packed for their kids, whilst my Lizzy had a peanut butter sandwich, some chips borrowed from her neighbor and a few bites of brownie. (for the record, I DID also pack and apple and yogurt. But those weren't deemed exciting enough. We're mighty low on the produce at the moment.) And the way Lizzy got all the other kids chucking rocks into the pond by her example might stick, as well.
I'm looking forward to our annual trip to Cox Farms (a pumpkin patch, and so much more) in Centreville. It's nice and cold by then, and there's so much to do. I'm hoping she'll want to try a pony ride this year. It's probably the one thing that I can think of right off that Matt and I have done consistently, every year of her life, together, regardless of 'on again' or 'off again' nature of relationship. Which makes it really special.
But, I'm sure those times were also hard work. :) I'm grateful for the forgiving nature of memory. And the optimism with which we look forward to the future. I think it was meant to be that way. Then again, it could just be that I have had a lot of great times! Which I think is also true.

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