Monday, September 11, 2006


In retrospect, last week was a hard week for Matt and me. We just tried to cram a lot of prep stuff into the few hours we've got when we get home at night. Matt seems to have finished his report thingy for work, thank goodness. For now. And then those invitations.
Turns out, Matt finds out Saturday after going to the doctor, he's got shingles. Shingles. He's 29.
I'm told another friend of ours who recently got married had shingles shortly before his wedding as well. AND -- what was it -- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? Such colorful names. (I was going to link to him, then I realized that maybe he didn't want this news broadcast all over the place. Whoops.)
Here's to more sleep this week. Lizzy did her part by falling asleep at 7:30 last night! Utterly unprecedented. About three hours earlier than she usually does. Unfortunately, she needed a bath. She REALLY needed a bath. When this sort of thing happens, I have visions of the day care tipping off some child neglect investigative group. Eh, she couldn't have been THAT dirty, right?
Not that Matt and I took advantage of this fact (Lizzy sleeping) to get to bed ourselves. Noooo. There were complicated wedding favors to construct.
Sheesh. We bring this on ourselves. I know. I know.


  1. Kate, that sucks about the shingles. Are they stress-induced? My dad used to get them. :(

  2. Oh, yeah! Stress-induced, for sure. He's just about over them, though. At least, on the face -- the most important part.
