Monday, September 25, 2006


Please pray for us. I know this is frivolous, but please pray that we're all healthy and well for the wedding.
I have a sore throat this morning, and I knew -- I KNEW -- when Lizzy awoke with that telltale seal-bark cough (you parents know what I mean, I bet) that she would have a nasty cold for about a week, then pass it on to me for the next week, then Matt would get it the following week. (just in time for our plane trip to Washington state for a second reception there.) That's how the little buggies circulate in our family. That day care is such a germfest... I just DON'T WANT TO BE SICK RIGHT NOW. (unlike all the times I DO want to be sick??)
Lizzy's cold was so bad that she had a fever on Thursday, and I had to pick her up from school and keep her home Friday. Please, Lord, no. And please keep sickness, even minor forms of it, from the doors of everyone who has anything to do with this wedding, as well. Those who will be coming to it, etc.
The good news is -- it's supposed to be a lovely day. A little cloudy, which is perfect for photos. Thanks, God, for that.

1 comment:

  1. My wellness cocktail: green tea, zinc, echinacea and vitamin C -- all in mass quantities -- and Nyquil at night as a precautionary measure.

    Seriously, it works -- *if* you take it before you actually start to feel symptoms or as soon as you feel that scratch in the back of your throat. If you wait until you're actually in the throes, you're doomed.

    A hex on you, cold and flu! There will be no illness here!
