Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Yesterday, Matt worked up the courage to tell me that he doesn't like a pair of my pants. In fact, upon further questioning, there are a number of items in my closet that he doesn't care for. Apparently, I am sporting the grandma look upon occasion, and that look doesn't seem to do it for him.

So. Farewell, striped orange pants that make me look like a clown (no offense, I'm assured). I hardly knew ye.
If I get a chance, I'll post a photo of them. The many of you who saw me on Sunday know exactly which ones Matt's talking about.


  1. Omigosh ... I liked those pants. I was admiring them on Sunday!! Oh well ...

  2. I like the new pic!

    And it's cute that Matt doesn't want you to go gently into that good night.

  3. Jay, darn you! I had that tune stuck in my head for hours after watching that little clip.
