Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here are Matt and me, looking absolutely nothing like Cyclops and Jean Grey:

I had plans to dye my hair red, at least, for the night (and subsequent month), but didn't have time for the execution. A pity. I think the dollar-store sunglasses, and electrical tape, are especially fabulous elements.
As you can see, Nicole Richie insisted on being in the photo.
Thus ends the celebrity ridicule portion of this post.

We went to a party right before this that was a bajillion times more fun -- the annual wine tasting at Chez Pete and Jackie! Yummy.
I must say, I did add "flippy cup" to my arsenal (three) of known drinking games at Matt's friends' party. (A note to mom -- I did not drink at all. Seriously. I drove shortly thereafter.)
I got home at 1:15 a.m., which I note only because I was later told it was about a half-hour after Lizzy had gone to bed. Hmmm. Could this have ANY connection to the meltdown she had the next afternoon at her friend's birthday party?


  1. I think you look way cool! :)

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM EST

    I would have guessed cyclops and jean if you hadn't said it. And yes, the electrical tape is mah-velous.

  3. Nah... there is never any relationship between bedtime and meltdowns, really, Elizabeth told me so many times ;-)
