Wednesday, July 09, 2008

um ...

I don't even remember what I was going to blog about today. That's pretty much how things are going. I'm hanging in there, yes. But, good land, child -- come soon, okay? Getting to work and back each day is as monumental a task as I remember it being the last time around. And this time, the commute's longer, and the evenings are a little more demanding.

Today is apparently 39 weeks. The due date's been tossed back and forth so much, I don't know what to believe, but since July 16 is the earliest (and most recent) one I've heard, let's go with that. And I had best not go late. At this point, I'm wondering just how much MORE painful Pitocin could possibly be than your garden-variety natural labor ... Hmmmm.

Lizzy has informed me that The Great Zucchini (he's a funny guy who does magic! One time he put a tissue in his mouth, and pulled out a rainbow!) will be appearing at her summer program next Tuesday, and she just has to go. She just about burst into tears when I told her I couldn't really guarantee that.
Her younger sibling -- upstaged even before birth by The Great Zucchini.

Also, at this point: We really, truly have no idea what we will be naming the baby. Not even secretly. I thought we had sort of settled on something, but it appears, no. Which is fine. I had reservations about that choice, as I have had (and so has Matt; hence, no name picked) about everything we've come up with. Nothing hangs together as being "just right" for very long.

So, don't give us too much guff when you hear whatever it is we've come up with. It'll probably be a result of me, exhausted and sweaty, looking over at Matt and saying, "Well, what does (s)he look like?" And it'll be Petunia Forsyth, or something similiarly grotesque.

Here's to Shakespeare and his disregard for names.


  1. My favorite girl's name at this juncture is Bella. My girl name for Evan was Elena, which I also still like. Even though we are done having kids, I will always love thinking about names. :)

  2. Maybe Lizzy's suggestions won't be totally out :)

    Jason's having a hard time with the name I came up with. He doesn't have any real objections to it; merely that he thinks he's letting me have my way too easily. I find the attitude a bit confusing since he never came up with any suggestions of his own for boy names.

  3. My second choice for Allison Clare was Juliet Rose, and for a boy Rowan Alexander. Was that because I saw a Mr. Bean movie on a tortuous bus ride while pregnant? Yes, sadly, it was.

  4. Kate, we didn't know either!! We even had to chase down the birth certificate lady and tell her to scratch what we had said (ask Dawn about this...). I let Seth decide and "Mr. Noncommital" took his sweet time.
