Wednesday, January 23, 2008

clocking out

We're shifting places in the office as of this weekend. The building is contracting folks to come in and repaint and recarpet, and while we're packing up anyway, our features department is moving to a new area. Which is cool. Maybe we won't do so much freezing to death as we do (at all times of year) in our current corner.

This morning, in preparation for the move, my boss took down the wall clock that usually hangs just outside my direct line of sight. It is driving me NUTS to look up there and see that blank wall when I want to know what time it is. It doesn't matter that the time is displayed at the bottom corner of my computer screen, as well as on my desk phone. I am USED to seeing it on the wall, darnit! -- and in a non-digital form! Nothing else will do.

It's amazing, the little things that can drive me nuts.

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