Monday, March 26, 2007

O, Come Let Us A-dore Hi-him, Buy Some Ice-Cream!

Oops. Another misfire on the 'send' button again. Sorry about that.

Friend dinner update: It was really fun! We got to chatting right away. And her husband is a total sweetie. I love to see my friends end up with good guys (or gals). He gamely ordered the sushi dinner, as well. Lizzy was a little pill, but I think we all had a good time. So good to see them.
And apparently, I need to brush up on my Pete-speak. I'll have to make an appointment. Does he teach private classes, do you suppose? Is there an alphabet code somewhere? It's officially on my to-do list.

Matt and I spent Sunday working on the house. And it's still not ready for sale. Urgh! I painted Lizzy's room, which almost looks worse now, because apparently, the bozos who sold it to us painted over wallpaper, and the reason we had to repaint was because we had a leak during a bad rainstorm, and some moisture marked up the wall and ceiling. Well, apparently it's still in the wallpaper underneath. Bizarre.
I was standing on my $10 folding chair, which is serving as a footstool (amazingly, we have thus far done so without injury), looking up at the ceiling, painting away, feeling fine mist that falls one one's face when one is painting a ceiling, when I heard the tinny sounds of the ice cream truck drive up outside. This, I will NOT miss about the old neighborhood. And it played. And played. And played. And played! I must've heard close to a dozen songs, most of them holiday-themed. O Come Let Us Adore Him was my personal favorite for its utter incongruity. Is the ice-cream truck driver unaware that the tunes he played were Christmas music? Did he care? Whose bright idea was it to turn sacred carols into truck jingles? Just odd.
(I told this to a friend and fellow veteran of that particular street. She points out that it's quite possible that ice cream was being sold for the entirety of the song play, from what she observed when she was there. Wow.)

Also accomplished this weekend: A visit to Wegman's! Wegman's, of which I have heard so much. And none of it was exaggerated. It is indeed a wonder that one must behold for oneself. And, really, it didn't have to be that great (but it was!). They totally had me at: Free child care while you shop. Thank goodness for neighbors who have the grocery store-seeking initiative that we lack.

1 comment:

  1. OHHHHH! I LOVE Wegman's. I just found it about a month ago and it's ab-fab!
