Tuesday, March 27, 2007

making J.C. proud

Lately, when Lizzy's in a particularly playful mood, she'll start speaking to me in a haughtily superior, yet affectionate, tone. If she calls me Madame, I know it's time to put on my English accent. If she calls me 'your Majesty/highness,' then I know she thinks I'm asking a bit much of her. Then that would be the Cinderella game, and Cinderella has an American accent. Different thing altogether.

She's done this accent thing a couple of times lately. I'm not quite sure where she picked it up. I mean, there's Lumpy (the heffalump) in the Winnie the Pooh movie of a couple of years ago, and still in rotation in our house; and you've got the Fairy Godmother (a brilliant turn by the always-hilarious Jennifer Saunders) in Shrek 2. And, of course, a darling little cartoon that we've seen on Disney's Playhouse called Charlie and Lola. I guess the combination of influences is what has her talking like a Brit. Whatever it is, I think it's brilliant, and a ripping good time.
Dear friends of mine -- John and Kat Casson -- moved (back) to England awhile back. They knew us when I was going through the whole "Um, hey everybody, I'm pregnant" stage. They've always been two of Lizzy's biggest fans. When Lizzy was a wee babe, John used to tell me that he pictured Lizzy speaking in a British accent, and it was a bit of a shock, actually, to hear her very American-sounding words when she did learn to talk a little. It just didn't seem right. And so, it feels somehow fitting that she would brush up on the language of Shakespeare, and her mother's ancestors, a bit later in childhood.
I hope they -- John and Kat, that is -- get to hear it from her in person one day.


  1. The weirdest thing when I halting and stuttering my way through Germany was to hear little kids speaking perfect, fluent German (so fast!!).

  2. BTW, when I saw this title, I thought you were talking about Jesus!

  3. Tara: Hee! Intentional.

  4. I hope to hear Lizzy with her accent when we're in DC, but kids are notoriously fickle about performing on cue.
