Thursday, March 01, 2007

How cute is my family?

I mean, come ON.

For those who weren't there (like me -- sniff!), they were karaokeing to 'Brick House' in what has to be the most fun party in history. Ever. Again, I have only the accounts of most of my closest friends, gathered in one place, doing all of the activities Kate loves the most, to go on.
No, the bitterness just won't die.
Anyhow. As I understand it, Matt was the "She's a Brick" part, and Lizzy was the "House!" and some sha-na-na or something in the middle. She's still doing it on command. The cutest thing ever. Perhaps I should record them re-enacting it on our video camera.

(thanks for the photos, Herr Sniper.)


  1. I don't think you need to worry too much, at least not yet. Little kids are still learning about reality and pretend. Elizabeth and I had a converation lately that might make you feel better. She has decided that Easter Bunny is not real. What really happens (in her man) is that a man dresses up in a bunny suit and comes to your house to deliver candy. Santa and the tooth fairy are real as described. So go figure.

  2. Sorry, I meant to say "in her mind" not "in her man" :)
