Thursday, January 11, 2007

one of those weeks

This is one of those weeks in which I'm afraid to blog because it would just come out negative. I'm not in a bad mood, or anything -- just a series of small catastrophes.
Sunday, the fridge died; Tuesday, we had a rather major family crisis (regarding an in-law. I'm not really allowed to elaborate); very early Wednesday morning, Lizzy started throwing up, and basically didn't stop until about 3 p.m.; Friday, I'm to be home until the fridge guy comes to our house. I'm afraid to tell my boss I'll be out again. Life is a little ridiculous right now.
I fear that the fridge guy is going to come and say, it needs such and such a part. I'll have to come back next Tuesday. And I'll say, dude -- I'm supposed to take two vacation days so that you can fix our two-year-old fridge? (it's under partial warranty, but try telling these repair guys that. and yes, I'm using the Whirlpool-suggested repair guys, but still. They're finding their ways to get their piece.)
So anyway. Like I said. Nothing too critical or permanently damaging, but a hairy week nonetheless.
Perhaps it's a good time to mention that our home inspection went swimmingly on Wednesday! The inspector actually told Matt that it was a good, solid home -- has a few things to tweak or to look into, but what home doesn't -- and that it's a superb, very community-oriented neighborhood. (he used to live nearby) 'A great place to raise children.' Music to our ears.

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