Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Blog Is Dead!

Long Live The Blog!!

I've heard from two sources now that blogging is officially passe. (two sources! so it MUST be true.)

Oddly, I now feel free from all embarrassment at the fact that I have one.

Yessss! I hate to be trendy. Not that I normally have to work very hard not to be. Good luck tearing my boot-cut jeans from me, for example.

This is totally sweet news.

(incidentally, this abhorrence of trends is why I won't be reading the Harry Potter books for another, oh, 15 years. Also, it's fun not to know what to expect when I go see the movies.)

In other "news," not that that was really "news" -- We might be closing on the house Jan. 26. Or, we might not. I can go into infinite detail on why it might or might not be that date, but in a nutshell, that's the salient fact. (leaky pipes discovered, father in law's plans uncertain, etc.) Sadly, the moving crew (otherwise known as my church) is quite busy that weekend. Pooey. So we might move a little bit, ourselves, that weekend and still live out of the 'old' house for another week. Early February moving party! You've been warned. Time to formulate your conflicting plans. :) And I would never blame you for doing so. Moving kinda sucks.


  1. I didn't even know boot-cut jeans were out. I can't get rid of mine, though--where will I ever find another pair of jeans that covers up at least some of the lower abdomen?

  2. And don't lets all get *too* tired out by the Maisels' early February moving party - save some energy for the Driskell-Croghans' mid- February moving party too! (We close on the 7th.) Woo-hoo! We love lifting each other's furniture! :-)

    Also, we (along with Maggie and Schuyler - late February move party for them?? - and anybody else who wants to pile on) should talk about having a "take home this stuff we don't want to move" swap/party.

  3. You know, not doing something because other people are doing it is just as conformist as doing it for that reason.

  4. Mike -- you and I can start bidding for moving help! I have no animals, but I have a kid ... draw. :)

    Tara -- good news. I hear, though I'm not really wealthy enough to be jean-shopping, that jeans are rising. Slightly. There's certainly nowhere to go but up. And you would look so cute in any jean leg cut.

    Maggie -- well, ya got me there. My real Potter reason is a little different. Ask me in some slightly less public forum, if you're curious. (and no, it has nothing to do with witchcraft, or content at all.)
