Thursday, January 25, 2007

obstinate child

I made SURE to remember Lizzy's shoes today. And I left backups at day care! I did not remember to bring my own coat, however. Brrrrr. But I'm so happy that Lizzy has shoes on her feet, and the day care ladies won't be leaving nasty, passive-aggressive notes on her take-home sheet about how it's not acceptable, and hazardous, for her not to have shoes, that I don't even care if I'm a little cold. Or even a lot cold.

I have to tell you something she did last night that totally amazed Matt and me. We know she has a hard little head (literally and figuratively), but occasionally she takes it to yet another level.
She has snacks on the way home in the car. Gee -- I wonder why she doesn't eat much dinner? It's not the healthiest system in the world, but in a year or two she'll be in grade school, and this works for now, and blah blah blah I'm choosing not to stress myself about it.
Last night, she inhaled a couple of crackers, then asked us crankily whatelsewehadinthecartoeat. We established that a banana offering would be acceptable, so I opened it and peeled it a little -- not too much! -- and broke off the top -- it had a little bruise on the very top -- and handed it to her.

"Who took a bite of my banana?" she demanded to know.
"No one took a bite," I explained. "I broke off the top because it had a bruise."
"I WANT the bruise!" she said. (ever before this, she's stopped eating when she comes to a bruise.)
"It's in the trash," I said. "You really want it?"
"Yes," she said, her little face all defiantly scrunched up.
"Fine," say I, and fish the bruised bite out of the plastic bag that serves as the car's trash this week.
Matt and I look on in amazement as she popped the bite into her mouth and gave a little "so THERE!" grunt. Sheesh.

I'm tempted now to tell her that vegetables and naps are bad for her, but I'm sure that would only backfire somehow.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what people will end up at your blog by searching for "I want the bruise."
