Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lizzy at play

My child needs a little girl friend, pronto. I wonder if I can talk Matt into agreeing to adopt a child.

Because Matt and I are getting tired of role-playing. Perhaps I’m getting lazy as a parent. I will (mostly) happily have my train chased by Lizzy’s train, or draw photos that she can color, or play one of her card games, or practice writing letters (upon invitation), only to be told she wants to do it all by herself… But the role playing. Argghhh!

“I can be Woody and Buzz, and you can be Cinderella and Jessie.”
“I can be Junior, and you can be LauraCarrot.”
“I can be Lilo, and you can be Stitch.”
And then we hold the relevant stuffed animals, and pretend to interact.

You get the idea.

Because, our role-playing adventures don’t usually progress beyond, “Hi! How are you doing today?” “What do you want to do now?”
After a few pretend activities, Lizzy usually wants two of the characters to get married. This morning, in the car, she wanted two kid-aged characters to get married.
I said, (pretending to be my character,) “But I’m too young to get married!”
“Not YOU,” said Lizzy. “Junior Asparagus!”

So apparently the wedding’s off. I’m too young. I hope Matt’s not too disappointed.
I wonder how old I have to be. I’ll see what Lizzy has to say on the matter and let you know.


  1. Elizabeth loves to role the characters from The Nutcracker. She is ALWAYS the Nutcracker and I ALWAYS have to be the Mouse King. She gets real kick out of killing me.

  2. That's so cute that she thinks you're too young to get married! What a charmer . . . :)

  3. You're such a much better mom than I ... I never had the patience for that. Unless we were in the car, then my character would always ask crazy questions that made no sense whatsoever and send Lillie or John's character into fits of giggles and that would end that. Because a mother can only stand so much of a 3 year old's version of "You be this and I'll be that ..."

  4. Okay, that's it. We're definitely doing a play date this Saturday. If I had a nickel for every minute I've spent "being the Daddy" so Ethan can "be the Mommy"...

    Saturday... you and I drink coffee while the kids role play their little hearts out.

  5. Noooo ... leave them with Sam or Matt ... you have to come to the quilt show and see Keenan's quilt (and all the other quilts too)!!
