Thursday, September 15, 2005

tasteless joke du jour (you've been warned)

In honor of 'Talk Like A Pirate Day,' on Sept. 19:
(and yes, normally I would find this completely stupid, but it's 3 p.m. and I just sat through a meeting in which the structure of the Army was explained to me, and I'm feeling, well, a bit Rummy.)

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel shoved down his pants. The bartender does a double take upon seeing this and asks the pirate about it.

Barman: Uh, why do you have a steering wheel in your pants? Doesn't it bother you?

Pirate: Arr! It's driving me nuts!


  1. That was truly horrible and I'm still laughing!!!

  2. That's its sinister beauty.
    And, as I said, time of day is key.

  3. That was awesome! Great joke! Thanks.
