Thursday, September 01, 2005

Poetry Thursday

For those who post poems:

How do
You choose your poems?
Do you
Have a vast
of favorites?
Or do you
Thumb through a
Much-loved book
To find the
Perfect one

Inquiring minds
To know.

(oh yeah, and some are original, apparently. Wow. I didn't think I was underselling you guys, but apparently I have. Because that fact is darned impressive to me.)


  1. I either go with Poetry Connection or our handy dandy Norton Anthology of American Literature.

    Every once in a while it might be an old favorite, but to be honest, I don't know as much poetry as I should.

  2. I think of a theme I want to focus on that week and google it with "poem" and usually find something like that. I have no books. I'm a poetry loser. It's only due to Schuyler that I'm even getting into poetry in my old age. This is all his fault. And I thank him for it regularly.

  3. Oh, that's cool! 'Cuz I have a few fave poems and all, but for the most part, they're stuff I learned in high school or college, that y'all also learned in high school or college. I was feeling like I was the only one without an incredibly broad and deep well of poetry knowledge, there.
    I really appreciate the widening of my horizons, poetry-wise. Though I'm probably not retaining a lot of it. But it's very cool in the moment, and what more can you ask of someone's blog?
