Monday, September 05, 2005

media matters

I guess I'm part of "The Media" (which takes a plural, folks), so perhaps I shouldn't criticize. Or question. NO QUESTIONS!
Here goes anyway:
Does anyone actually play Su Do Ku? Or know how to pronounce it properly? Did anyone play it before The Media decided it was The Game To Play?
I'm a die-hard crossword gal myself, on those occasions when I have a half-hour to kill and feel the need for some humility (hm, not lately on either count), so I don't do the numbers. But, does anyone? Or did one reporter say, hey! What's this? And every other reporter picked up the story and made it his/her own. Thus, a "craze" was born. I mean, geez. A book on the game cracked the Top 50 list last week.
Maybe it's just my anti-numbers bias. I just don't get it.
I could never do a Rubik's Cube, either. And, while we're at it, the only playstation I've ever owned is an Atari.


  1. Wow ... never even heard of it before your post. I'm so out of it. But I think I'd like crosswords better from the looks of it ... I'm usually a bit suspicious of games I can't pronounce.

  2. Turns out MY MOTHER is an addict (she tells me after reading this post). See, you just never know. Sometimes these things hit really close to home. :)
