Friday, April 04, 2008

what does it say about my work ethic ...

That I shuddered uncontrollably when the hubby called me at work a little while ago and said that at his office, e-mail and the internet are down? Perish the thought! I was appropriately sympathetic.

It's been a pretty mundane week. Sorry to any of you who have checked here for Exciting M. Family News Flashes. We're chugging along -- Matt slaving over his increasingly impressive built-in cabinets into the wee hours of each night, while I fall into bed, exhausted, with Lizzy at around 9:30 or 10 p.m. He's quite a guy, that hubby. Check here soon for completed (or almost so) shelf photos!

The baby's been kicking the crud out of my midsection this week. It doesn't hurt - she's not yet big enough to be a real threat to my ribs at this point (as, ahem, someone else was, once upon a time). It feels weird, but I kind of like it. And then I worry -- is she trying to tell me something? Is she unhappy? Hungry? Telling me to lay off the caffeine? That last one seems plausible, though the kicks don't seem to come right after I've had my morning cup of indulgence. They're more concentrated before and after I eat -- so maybe it's, time for food, and then, thanks for the food? In reality, it's probably not communication at all. But I like to think so.

Baby update, shelves, Cougs losing pitifully in NCAA Sweet 16 ... is that all the recent action? It's looking like my parents will be visiting in a week, which is great news. And it will probably prompt us to give the house a much-needed pick-up!

While I'm rambling about not much, may I mention for my fellow A.I. fans how disappointed I am in this season? The contestants are not all that likable. The judges will not stop screwing around instead of merely delivering their opinions. I never, ever thought I'd say this, by Ryan Se@crest is, increasingly, becoming my favorite part of the show. And you know when that's the case, you're in truly desperate times.


  1. There's a special place in heaven for men who renovate while their pregnant wives sleep . . .

  2. Or, nonpregnant wives--maybe that's even better!
