Thursday, December 08, 2005

let it snow

This time of year is treacherous for us for reasons beyond those typically brought by inclement weather: When Arlington county schools close, Lizzy's day care closes, and Matt and I have to thumb-wrestle to decide who stays home with her. When you combine that with the days she is actually ill, it's much like we're each cashing in a week of vacation per year for these purposes. So it goes if you choose to both work and have your kid in day care, I suppose.
So, usually -- as happened Monday night -- I am nervously fretting and shaking my fist at the sky when a large (for D.C.) dump of snow is expected.
But today, no. I welcome it. How great would a three-day weekend be! I think I'm a little tired of the holiday rush, and didn't take any time off at Thanksgiving. Time to sit home and work on Christmas gifts ... time to get a little sleep ... time to chase Lizzy around and threaten her with spankings if she grabs chocolate chip cookies after being expressly told three times that she wasn't allowed to have another one. What a rascal. ... She cried far more last night at the news that she'd be getting a spanking for disobeying than she did from the punishment's execution. Heh. Maybe it's because I can't help grabbing her and hugging her tightly right afterwards. I always feel so bad.

On another note: Two friends whom, despite their relative proximity, I rarely get to see, have started blogs this week. Which I think is soooo very cool. I love the chance to peek in on my friends' lives without, you know, the hassle of actually having contact with them. Okay, I was MOSTLY kidding there. But, you know what I mean. A little cyber-contact is SO much better than none.

I'll end with a random question I was pondering this morning: Why do many cough syrups include alcohol? What does the alcohol possibly do for you? Because, despite the fact that I occasionally imbibe, I CANNOT STAND those cough medicines. It gives me yukky shivers just to think about drinking some.
Anyone know?


  1. Go ahead and have your three day weekend, but the next time, you can feel free to bring Lizzy to my house. It might be a fun break from routine. So feel free to call and ask anytime. I promise I will say no if I just can't that day.

  2. Sicko me ... I love cough syrup!

    I wish I were as nice as Maggie and I'd tell you to do the same. Maybe if I hadn't just had 3 extra girls for a week, I would. I hope you have your snow day tomorrow.

  3. Looks like you got your wish. It's so bad my OFFICE has a 2-hour delay opening.

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM EST

    how about links to the two new blogs?

  5. I like the bit of alcohol in cough syrup. Since I've got the tolerance of a rat, it knocks me right out.
