Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fiiiiiiive goooooolden mooooonths ...

The wee chubster is five months old today! How CAN this be possible ...
I'm thinking of my little darling more today even than usual. Trying not to stew too much in my sense of the unfairness that someone else gets to hang out with her all day. And then we arrive home in the evening, for the cluster feeds and fussy pre-bedtime.
Oh, but the weekends are sweet.

Yes -- I need to take some sort of photo to accompany this mini-post. But the days have been sliding out from under me even worse than usual for the past few weeks. I've finally composed my Christmas letter (biggest challenge -- containing it to one page), but have yet to, you know, make sure it fits on the printed paper of choice; print it out; address envelopes; mail them. So a lot of folks will be getting theirs late. I have absolutely no confidence that I have many friends' current addresses, either. Did I update them when I received last year's Christmas cards? Or when I received e-mails, letting me know of such changes? Unlikely. How shortsighted of me.
If you'd like to guarantee that you receive such a missive, please comment or (safer, I suppose) e-mail me your address. I'd be happy to spread the love. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm still dumbstruck that they are only babies for one year. You mean it's almost over and I never get to do this again (with AC)?
