Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Here's my "Kate's lost it" post of the week:

E-mail, and instant messaging, have messed with my head ever since I have been using them. Especially the first time I worked somewhere (Seattle Times) where we had such a thing. Because, of course, most of the inter-office IM'ing had nothing to do with work... I would shoot a three-word message to a friend, mocking someone else's comment or story or whatever, and we would both burst into laughter for no apparent reason. Good fun! Except for the times I accidentally IM'ed the wrong person, or, even better, everyone on the system... But sometimes, if I'm in a meeting and not at a computer, I find myself wanting to do the same thing. Shoot a mental IM at someone. I get this little impulse to do so, then realize a half-beat later, "Wait a minute! We're not at a computer. Nor are we empathic. Hm. Guess I'm out of luck."

I'm generally used to the limitations now, after a decade or so of such technology. But every once in awhile, I want to reach out and touch someone -- not always for the intent of mocking others, by the way -- and I realize I can't.
I just had a little impulse to check in with Lizzy. Thus far, however, her day care doesn't have her set up with her own little workstation and e-mail system. Probably in part because she can't yet read.



  1. that's a cute little impulse... but actually, have you read that empathic abilities now exist? At least brainwave controled mouse movement for the disabled. See "Brainwave actuated technologies" here: http://www.siu.edu/~dss/Grant/Technologies.htm... soon enough Kate, if you get that little chip in your forehead and your right hand, you and Lizzy will be able to communicate through our already worldwide ubiquidous cellular network... even set it to "locate" so you can keep track of her travels and thoughts as a teenager and beyond! An instant homing beacon! Forever! we're already doing it with our pets... why not our kids??? Isn't that great????

  2. Really? Brain waves? TRIPPY.
    I read a story about the vast teen-tracker possibilities last week. Scary! I thought about the immense number of ways you could work around that, if you were a teen.

  3. or even better... go to http://www.brainfingers.com
