Thursday, February 15, 2007

nice to be 'home'

Lizzy, Matt and I all stayed home yesterday. Matt's intent was to do work, but he mostly slept instead. Lizzy and I got out in the snow a little bit, slept a little bit, and played with the neighbors some.

I was amused that morning by the sights -- and sounds -- of kids sledding on our driveway. (we have officially claimed the garage for the CAR, as opposed to all of the storage boxes we originally threw in there -- we LOVE having a garage!!!) They didn't ask if they could; they just sledded away. Which doesn't bother me, but I didn't know how Matt would feel.
When I asked him, he said: "I think it's GREAT! We're the sledding hill!!" It just feels nice to be in a neighborhood where everyone cares about their homes, and feels comfortable about sharing. That's a combo I haven't experienced in a long time.

The best was when we went out to do a little sledding ourselves. We waited 'til noon or so, so the snow was a little mushier than would be optimal, but it was also more Lizzy's speed that way.
The neighbors have a St. Bernard named Sammy who is a total sweetheart. He looked very happy to see snow and cooler temperatures. He wasn't sledding, but he was hanging out alongside the 'sledding run' with his owners. His collar had bells on it and one of those little barrels hanging from his neck that had a tap on it, just like you see in cartoons -- the neighbors told us it had Apple Schnapps in it. They kept trying to tap it, but Sammy wanted a tummy rub instead of allowing easy access to the tap.
I have to post photos. It was about the cutest (non-kid) thing I've seen in awhile.

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